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Getting Started


Wowpay provides a web interface that allows integration with Merchant System which would like to accept online payment by credit/debit card, direct debit and e-Wallet and other alternate payment methods (APM).This Merchant Integration Guide provides merchants with the necessary technical information to integrate their applications (Merchant Systems) with Wowpay.The manual contains message format required between Wowpay and Merchant System for various payment transaction types, namely Payment, Query and Reversal. It is intended as a technical guide for merchant developers and system integrators who are responsible for designing or programming the respective online applications to integrate with Wowpay


All merchants who would like to integrate with Wowpay must obtain a valid payment account from Wowpay. Upon payment account generated, Wowpay will provide credentials (merchant_code, merchant_id, username, password) to merchants to connect the APIs.

Direct API Integration#

Payment Options#

To start your online payment integration, you need to implement API calls from your server. This payment option request should be performed via Server-to-Server (webrequest) and post method.

Sending Payment Option request (Merchant System -> Wowpay)

Field Datatype Length Req Description
merchant_code a 20 y provided by wowpay
username a 20 y provided by wowpay
password a 20 y provided by wowpay
merchant_id an 40 y provided by wowpay
currency a 3 y wowpay supports most of the major currencies
country an 30 y country code : "ALL"
product_code an 20 y default is "ANY". product code referring to the list of product parameter that wowpay will return in response. Refer 3.1

To start your online payment integration, you need to implement API calls from your server. This payment option request should be performed via Server-to-Server (webrequest) and post method.


These details provided by Wowpay

        "merchant_code": "TESTMIDCODE",
        "username": "TESTMIDCODE",
        "password": "TESMIDCODE",
        "merchant_id": f9a27d58-1172-4f7e-8da8-dacdf7662d56,
        "currency": "THB",
        "country": "ALL",
        "product_code": "ALL"

Payment Option response#

(Wowpay -> Merchant System)#

The following fields are the Payment information expected from Wowpay to Merchant System to perform an online payment transaction

Field Datatype Length Req Description
req_datetime AN 50 Y Date & time in UTC : 2018-08-29T04:18:06.439112Z
payment_optionid AN Y GUID
payment_type A 50 Y CreditCard / Online Banking / Offline Payment. Other payments type available upon request.
display_name A 20 Y You can use this to display the payment option name in your website.
request_method A 10 Y Http / Custom method to submit the payment request. (POST)
payment_channels[0].payment_id ANS 15 Y Based on the user's payment selection It should be send in the Payment Request.
payment_channels[0].card_type A 16 Y Credit Card Type e.g. VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX/JCB/DINERS *Only available as per request
payment_channels[0].channel_code A 17 Y
payment_channels[0].channel_name A 18 Y
payment_channels[0].request_url AN 200 Y Payment Request should be submitted to this url for this payment option:
payment_channels[0].channel_id AN Y GUID
payment_channels[0].iscredntialneed Boolen Y
payment_options[0].capture_card N Identify to where the card details are captured
0 – None (if non card payment)
1 – Merchant Or Wowpay page
2 – Bank / Provider page
payment_options[0].display_order N 1 Y Indicate that the order information is display on merchant browser site.
payment_options[0].isasynchornous_payment A 10 Y False - PAY NOW (creditcard,directdebit,…) True - PAY LATER (ATM payment,OvertheCounter,…)
payment_options[0].currency A 3
payment_options[0].country AN 30
payment_options[0].method_id AN GUID

Request & Response#

Sending Payment Request (Merchant System -> Wowpay)#

The following fields are the Payment information expected from Merchant System to Wowpay in order to perform an online payment transaction. These parameters must be passed using POST method.

Field Datatype Length Req Description
is_webrq Boolen Y
language A 2 Y ISO 639-1 language Code for wowpay Payment Info Collection Page: EN
merchantid AN GUID
requestid AN 10
customerip AN 20 Y Customer’s IP address captured by merchant system.
merchant_rtn_url AN 200 Y Merchant system’s browser redirect URL which receives payment response from wowpay when transaction is completed (approved/declined/system error/cancelled by customer on Payment Page)
merchant_callback_url AN 200 Y Server-to-server URL as an additional link to merchant’s website to be informed of transaction status
merchant_website AN 200 O
merchant_request_time AN 20 Y Must be in UTC : 2019-10-30T16:13:04
payment_expiry Date O This field applicable specially for offline payments. ex:"2018-08-29T14:45:37.3141418+08:00"
user_reference AN O This is used to for statement description for the customers. *Depends on the PSP
profiling_reference AN O This is used for fraud api's profiling reference,if merchant implementd any profiling api for fraud api
signature AN Y Please refer Signature for Direct Api Integration
is_recurringpayment Boolen By default 'false' If merchant wants to collect recurring payment from wowpay, it should be true
subscription_data For the request data details please refer Subscription.After initializing the subscriptiondata it should be serialized and encoded to base64.
payment_info.payment_id ANS 15 Y Payment ID which is set by wowpay
payment_info.merchant_txnid AN 16 Y Unique transaction ID/reference code assigned by merchant for each transaction (No duplicate merchant_txnid is allowed)
payment_info.txn_amount N 12(2) Y Payment amount in 2 decimal places regardless whether the currency has decimal places or not.Please exclude “,” sign.(e.g. 1000.00 for IDR)
payment_info.txn_currency A 3 Y wowpay supports most of the major currencies
payment_info.is_installment Boolen O Identifier for instalment entitlement: false – Not entitled for instalment true – Entitled for instalment
payment_info.installment_period N 2 O Number of months for the instalment
payment_info.installment_interesttype AN O The charges incur on customer or merchant
payment_info.custom_field1 AN
payment_info.custom_field2 AN
payment_info.capture_card N 1 O Identifier for Capturing Card: 0 – None (Not CC) 1 – Merchant Website 2 – In wowpay page 3 – Bank / Provider Page
payment_info.card_type AN 50
payment_info.merchant_ref1 ANS 16 O Additional data from merchant system that will be sent back to merchant in payment response
payment_info.merchant_ref1 AN 50 O Additional data from merchant system that will be sent back to merchant in payment response
payment_info.merchant_ref2 ANS 50 O Additional data from merchant system that will be sent back to merchant in payment response
payment_info.custom_field1 AN 50 O Additional data from merchant system that will be sent back to merchant in payment response
payment_info.custom_field2 ANS 50 O Additional data from merchant system that will be sent back to merchant in payment response
payment_info.isstore_cardinfo Boolen if this field is true and the customerid is exist then the card will be tokenized againts this customerid.
payment_info.customer_id AN 50
payment_info.card_token AN O Optional AN, If merchant use the saved card then merchant have to send the token for the selected card.The card_token will be returned in the payment response when the customer wants to store the card at first time
payment_info.ispromo_transaction Boolen Default is 'false' If merchant wants to handle any specific implementation based on promo then it should be true
payment_info.promo_code AN 20 O if merchant need any validation or any specific logic to handle on wowpay side, then its mandatory (valid special chars _$#@-)
payment_Info.card_info [Applicable for only for Credit Card]
card_info.cardholder_name A 16 Y Cardholder’s Name
card_info.card_no N 16 Y Credit Card Number used for payment authorization
card_info.cvv N 4 Y 3-4 digits Card Verification Value.Available on the back of credit card
card_info.card_type A 16 Y VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX/JCB/DINERS
card_info.exp_month N 6 Y "Expiry date of credit card. Date format is MM, e.g.12 for December"
card_info.exp_year A 16 Y "Expiry date of credit card. Date format is YYYY, e.g.2020 "
card_info.start_month A 16 O "Date of Registering Credit Card available on the front of credit card “Member Since” Date format is MM, e.g.12 for December"
card_info.start_year A 16 O "Date of Registering Credit Card available on the front of credit card “Member Since” Date format is YYYY, e.g.2020"
order_info.order_desc AN 50 Y Order Description
Item_list[0].item_id AN 50 Y "Item index: ""1"""
Item_list[0].item_code AN 50 Y "e.g Hotel item Code: ""Hiltont001"""
Item_list[0].item_type N 10 O e.g Hotel item Type: “3”
Item_list[0].item_name AN 50 Y e.g Hotel item Name: “Hilton Hotel”
Item_list[0].item_desc AN 50 Y e.g Hotel item Description: “Miami Hilton”
Item_list[0].item_amount N 50 Y e.g Hotel item Amount: “100”
customer_info[0].first_name AN 50 Y Customer’s first name
customer_info[0].last_name AN 50 Y Customer’s last name
customer_info[0].full_name AN 100
customer_info[0].mobile N 20 Y Customer’s Contact Number
customer_info[0].email AN 150 Y
customer_info[0].islead_pax AN 50 Y It should be true for the lead pax
customer_info[0].address AN 50 Y Customer’s address
customer_info[0].city AN 50 Y "Customer’s city: ""Kuala Lumpur"""
customer_info[0].state AN 100
customer_info[0].postcode N 50 Y "Customer’s postcode: ""548010"""
customer_info[0].country A 10 Y "Customer’s country: ""MY"""
device_info.deviceid AN
device_info.devicename AN
device_info.devicemodel AN
device_info.devicetype AN
device_info.browser AN
device_info.devicefingerprint AN
device_info.useragent AN 1000
device_info.acceptheader AN 1000
device_info.acceptlanguage AN 100
merchant_access Optional , if merchant sent the PSP's credentials then they can use this element.
merchant_access.provider_id AN
merchant_access.accesscode AN
merchant_access.accesskey AN
merchant_access.username AN
merchant_access.password AN
merchant_access.secretkey AN
merchant_access.param1 AN
merchant_access.param2 AN
merchant_access.param3 AN
additional_info Optional,if merchant wants to send any custom parameters, can use this element.
additional_info.field_name AN
additional_info.field_value AN
additional_info.description AN

Sample HTML Form in Payment Request

    <form id="pay_form" action="https://<url to be provide by Wowpay>" method="post">  
   <input type="hidden" name="MerchantId" id="MerchantId" value='6' />  
   <input type="hidden" name="paymentRq" id="paymentRq" value='GzIt4pQN7JYsV2OstHwW0T6vW/=' />
   <input type="hidden" name="MerchantTxnId" id="MerchantTxnId" value='Z1911aa76dcb5c9' />  
   <input type="hidden" name="EncValue" id="EncValue" value=bbffdbfdhjytye32361bgbu2vb==' />  

Payment Response (Wowpay -> Merchant System)#

Upon payment process completion, the following fields will be returned from Wowpay to Merchant System’s (merchant_rtn_url) in order to complete an end-to-end payment process

Field Datatype Length Req Description
txnentry_id AN GUID
merchant_txnid AN 20 Y "Follows request e.g: ""M201254"""
Error.error_code AN 20 O "Message string containing description of the error code (if any), or the description of the response error from bank."
Error.error_type AN 20 O "Message string containing description of the error type (if any), or the description of the response error from bank"
Error.error_description AN 20 O "Message string containing description of the error (if any), or the description of the response error from bank."
paymentrs_info.txn_status AN 20 Y Status of the transaction
paymentrs_info.txn_statuscode AN 20 Y Numerical containing value of the txn_status
paymentrs_info.txn_statusdesc AN 50
paymentrs_info.provider_desc AN 500
paymentrs_info.signature AN 100 Y Refer Signature for Direct Api. Message digest value calculated by Merchant System in hexadecimal string using SHA512 hash algorithm
paymentrs_info.approval_code AN 20 Y This is the approval code returned from the bank or payment provider for the successful transaction
paymentrs_info.transaction_no AN 20 Y Unique Transaction ID or Reference Code assigned by Wowpay for each of the transaction
paymentrs_info.transaction_ref AN 20 Y Unique Transaction reference code assigned by Wowpay for each of the transaction.
paymentrs_info.payment_method AN 50 Y
paymentrs_info.channel_code AN 50
payment_info.merchant_txnid AN 20 Y "Follows request e.g: ""M201254"""
payment_info.txn_amount AN 20 Y "Follows request e.g: ""10.00"""
payment_info.txn_currency AN 20 Y "Follows request e.g: ""MYR"""
payment_info.is_installment AN 20 Y Static Value: FALSE / TRUE
payment_info.installment_period AN 20 Y Number of months for the instalment
payment_info.installment_interesttype AN O The charges incur on customer or merchant
payment_info.psp_merchant_txnid AN 50 O Some cases, wowpay will sent different reference to the PSP, not the same 'merchant_txnid' and wowpay will send the reference back to merchant what wowpay sent to PSP
payment_info.merchant_ref1 AN 50 O Same value received from merchant system in the payment request
payment_info.merchant_ref2 ANS 50 O Same value received from merchant system in the payment request
payment_info.custom_field1 AN 50 O Same value received from merchant system in the payment request
payment_info.custom_field2 ANS 50 O Same value received from merchant system in the payment request
card_info.cardholder_name A 16 O Cardholder’s Name
card_info.card_no N 16 O Credit Card Number used for payment authorization
card_info.card_type A 16 O Credit Card Type e.g VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX/JCB/DINERS *Only available as per request
card_info.exp_month N 6 O "Expiry date of credit card. Date format is MM, e.g.12 for December"
card_info.exp_year N 16 O "Expiry date of credit card. Date format is YYYY, e.g.2020"
card_info.start_month A 16 O Date of Registering Credit Card available on the front of credit card “Member Since”
card_info.start_year A 16 O "Date of Registering Credit Card available on the front of credit card “Member Since” Date format is YYYY, e.g.2020"
payment_info.isstore_cardinfo Boolen
payment_info.customer_id AN 50
payment_info.card_token AN 50

Sample HTML Form for Redirect Response.

    <form id="pay_form" action="http://<merchant’s redirect URL" method="post">  
    <input type="hidden" name="MerchantTxnId" id="MerchantTxnId" value='Z1911aa75c9' />
    <input type="hidden" name="PaymentRS" id="PaymentRS" value='bHAIXg0FAcGzNXrlX9dNBsDKc3//>  
    <input type="hidden" name="EncValue" id="EncValue" value='OmO7NjQFykL+TF7Masqpy9UKOwXiyV==' />

Sample Server-to-Server Response


Hosted Integration#

Hosted Payment Request#

Payment request (Merchant System -> Payment Gateway)

The following fields are the Payment information expected from Merchant System to Payment Gateway to perform an online payment transaction with hosted payment page. These parameters must be passed using Http POST method via browser.

No. Field DataType MaxLength Required Description
1 orderref AN 6-15 Y Order Referenced generated by merchant system. It should be unique for each request. Min 6 Max 15 chars
2 firstname A 30 Y Customer’s FirstName
3 lastname A 30 Y Customer’s LastName
4 email N 150 Y Customer’s Email
5 mobileno AN 15 Y Customer’s MobileNo. Ex: +6012345680
6 amount N - Y Transaction amount ex: 100.00
7 currency A 3 Y Ex: MYR,USD…
8 description AN 100 Y Ex: Hotel Booking
9 signature AN 500 Y Refer: Signature for Hosted Payment
10 merchant_id AN 40 Y It will be provided by wowpay
11 returnurl AN - Y Payment response will be returned to merchant system with Http Post via browser
12 notifyurl AN - Y Payment response will be returned to merchant system with Http Post via server-to-server
13 language AN 5 O Ex: en-US
14 ordersummary AN - O
15 statementdescription AN 25 C Merchant can send the text, to appear on the customer’s statement. It not applicable for all channels and all cases
16 address AN 50 O
17 postalcode AN 10 O
18 city AN 50 O
19 customerid AN 50 O If you have a customer profile for your website then pass the CUSTOMERID here
20 isstorecard Boolen O If ISSTORECARD is true and CUSTOMERID is available, and the customer uses credit card, then in wowpay page user can see a option to save the card for his future transaction. If he chooses to save card, the card will be tokenized.
21 ispromotransaction Boolen O It should be true, If merchant wants to process the payment only whichever payment providers enabled with PROMO.If this field is true then promocode and product_type are mandatory
22 promocode AN 20 O If merchant needs any validation or any specific logic to handle on wowpay side, then its mandatory (valid special chars _$#@-)
23 product_type A 15 O If merchant needs to show the payment options based on the product type, then its mandatory. By default its considered as “ANY”
24 isrecurringpayment Boolen C
25 subscriptiondata For the request data details please refer Subscription.After initializing the subscriptiondata it should be serialized and encoded to base64.

Hosted Payment response#

Payment Response (Payment Gateway -> Merchant System)

The following fields are the Payment information expected from Payment Gateway to Merchant System to confirm the transaction based on the payment status

No. Field DataType Length Req Description
1 acknowledgement_url AN 150 O This is Wowpay’s url. If the url is available then merchant can call this url (http GET) to confirm whether they received the response
2 orderref AN 6-15 Y Order Referenced generated by merchant system.(same OrderRef received in the request)
3 amount N - Y Transaction amount ex: 100.00
4 currency A 3 Y Ex: MYR,USD…
5 approval_code AN - O It ll be present if the transaction is Success
6 payment_reference1 AN - O Additional reference of payment
7 payment_reference2 AN - O
8 payment_reference3 AN O Additional reference of payment
9 payment_status AN 25 Y Wowpay Reference no. Merchant can use this to further actions like to check status, refund,void
10 payment_statuscode N 2 Y Refer: Section Transaction Status
11 payment_type AN 50 O Payment method used for this transaction
12 payment_channel AN 50 O Payment channel used for this transaction
13 merchant_id AN 40 Y Same merchant_id the one received in the request
14 payment_description AN - Y Reason if the payment is fail or success
15 card_number AN - Y If its credit/debit cards then partial cardno will be returned. 411111xxxxxx1111
16 signature AN 500 O Refer Signature for Hosted Payment

Payment Actions (Void/Capture/Refund)#

Payment action allows the merchant to perform Void / Capture / Refund against existing successful transactions. Json data should be submitted using Http POST via server-to-server

The payment action api need a header authentication for each request

Field Datatype Length Req Description
merchant_txnid AN 6-15 Y This is value “PAYMENT_REFERENCE3” returned to merchant in the payment response.Its mandatory for Void/Refund/Capture
order_ref AN 6-15 O For inquiry, merchant can use order_ref (the one used in payment request). Or merchant_txnid (Wowpay reference)
txn_amount A 30 Y Amount needs to be refunded /voided/captured. It should not exceed original transaction amount. For Inquiry, amount is optional
request_type A 30 Y Request Type must be any one of the following 1.Void 2.Refund 3.Capture Inquiry
signature N 500 Y Refer Signature for Payment Action

Please refer the below section to generate and add header

Header Name: BasicAuth, Token: It will be provided by Wowpay

For sanbox testing the below token can be used


Generate Header Value: Input = To UpperCase (request_type + merchant_txnid + Token) Headervalue = Base64Encode(Input)



var authValue = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(HeaderName, Headervalue);

HttpClient oclient = new HttpClient()
    DefaultRequestHeaders = { Authorization = authValue }S

public static string Base64Encode(string str)
    byte[] b = new byte[str.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        b[i] = Convert.ToByte(str[i]); };
        return Convert.ToBase64String(b);


Field Datatype Length Req Description
merchant_txnid AN 6-15 Y This is value “PAYMENT_REFERENCE3” returned to merchant in the payment response.
txn_amount N Y Amount needs to be refunded /voided/captured. It should not exceed original transaction amount
request_type A 30 Y Request Type must be any one of the following Void/Refund/Capture/Inquiry
signature AN 500 Y Refer Signature for Payment Action
txn_status A 25 Y
txn_statuscode N 2 O
provider_desc AN O
approval_code 50 O
transaction_no 50 O
transaction_ref1 50 O
txn_currency A 3 O Available in inquiry response
masked_cardno AN 16-19 O Available in inquiry response
payment_method AN 50 O Available in inquiry response
channel_code AN 50 O
txn_entryId AN 36 O


Subscription refers to a payment model where a customer pays a recurring fee to access a product or service for a specific period. The payment can be made on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,or yearly basis, depending on the terms of the subscription.

Subscriptions are often used for digital products and services, such as software, online courses, music and video streaming, and news and magazine subscriptions. In recent years, subscription models have also become popular in industries such as e-commerce and retail, where customers can sign up for regular deliveries of products they use regularly, such as beauty or household items.

Subscriptions offer benefits to both customers and businesses. For customers, subscriptions provide access to products and services without the need for a large upfront payment. For businesses, subscriptions provide a stable source of revenue and the ability to forecast future earnings, which can help with planning and growth.

Subscription Request#

No Field DataType Length Required Description
1 subscription_code AN 20 C Code of the subscription or plan, later the merchant can query the subscription details to view/ update / cancel via the api
2 customer_id AN C Customer profile id
3 description AN
4 charge_type A C Autodebit - The payment will be charged automatically by the system for each 'PaymentDate' from customers card which the customer saved his card for his first payment.
Paymentlink - The payment will be charged through link sent to customer email
5 frequency_type A C Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly (optional because mnerchant define the recurring payments with payment date in the subscription payment list.)
6 subscription_period N O This to say for how many days/months/years the recurring payment should be processed.
It is mandatory if recurring payment list is empty
7 total_amount N Total subscription amount, it should be equal to the sum of the SubscriptionPayments
8 currency A O optional, if merchant define this in the request,it should be same as txn_currency.
9 days_before_tocharge N O Its optional for the chargetype autodebit. Its mandatory for the paymentlink.
Based on this the paymentlink will be sent out to the customers before the paymentdate.If this is value is available for autodebit, then the customer will be charged based on this .
ex: if DaysBeforeToCharge is 1 day
recurring_payments[] List of payment details for subsequent payment dues based on the frequencytype.
10 recurring_payments[0].payment_code A It should be unique for each payments in the list. It will be used as a reference to the customer in the paymentlink.
11 recurring_payments[0].amount N C
12 recurring_payments[0].payment_date Date C Predefined date for the next payment and its defined by the merchant.
13 recurring_payments[0].description AN Short description about the subscription. Ex: Second month due for this subscription.

Retrive Subscription#

Existing subscription details can be fetched using this api.


Field DataType Length Req Description
merchant_id AN C GUID given by wowpay to merchant
customer_id AN C Customer profile id
subscription_code AN O It is mandatory while using Upgrade/Cancel api.
subscription_status A O Active,Cancelled,Upgraded,Completed
duedate_from Date O
duedate_to Date O
createddate_from Date O
createddate_to Date O
list_count N O Default to 50


"responsecode": "success",
"result": [{
            "subscription_code": "Test100423133806",
            "merchant_id": "e81932f2-71b7-4e78-96c8-f8cc42f2d6b7",
            "customer_id": "SureshNewToken4",
            "description": "test",
            "charge_type": 1,
            "frequency_type": 2,
            "subscription_period": 3,
            "total_amount": 0.00,
            "currency": "USD",
            "last_paymentdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "next_paymentdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "no_of_completedpayments": 0,
            "days_before_tocharge": 2,
            "subscription_status": 1,
            "recurring_payments": [{
                    "payment_code": "Test100423133806-1",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-04-10T13:38:06.214875",
                    "payment_status": 14,
                    "id": "f584ac41-b4cd-4c62-a33e-ad5fb2318235",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.2901673Z",
                }, {
                    "payment_code": "Test100423133806-2",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-04-17T13:38:06.214879",
                    "payment_status": 25,
                    "id": "ae2c983b-8907-45dd-b3b4-f8d34f70549a",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.2911283Z",
                }, {
                    "payment_code": "Test100423133806-3",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-05-24T13:38:06.214882",
                    "payment_status": 25,
                    "id": "4ece54c5-434e-45ce-b909-d2a077bacdda",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.2911439Z",
            "id": "6b3be4c8-4f39-4697-9f3e-3b9ab0554eda",
            "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:10:20.132724"
        }, {
            "subscription_code": "Test100423134046",
            "merchant_id": "e81932f2-71b7-4e78-96c8-f8cc42f2d6b7",
            "customer_id": "SureshNewToken4",
            "description": "test",
            "charge_type": 2,
            "frequency_type": 2,
            "subscription_period": 3,
            "total_amount": 0.00,
            "currency": "USD",
            "last_paymentdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "next_paymentdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "no_of_completedpayments": 0,
            "days_before_tocharge": 2,
            "subscription_status": 1,
            "recurring_payments": [{
                    "payment_code": "Test100423134046-1",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-04-10T13:40:46.264831",
                    "payment_status": 25,
                    "id": "727e3812-64c9-4934-bece-b2faf0690737",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.2940985Z",
                }, {
                    "payment_code": "Test100423134046-2",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-04-17T13:40:46.264834",
                    "payment_status": 25,
                    "id": "cb2a00f3-6d3b-45da-b073-9d4c9e7dde6e",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.294103Z",
                }, {
                    "payment_code": "Test100423134046-3",
                    "amount": 50.00,
                    "payment_date": "2023-05-21T13:40:46.264836",
                    "payment_status": 25,
                    "id": "cf6ee2f0-5cfb-4d95-aec6-4f278618054e",
                    "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:22:50.2941045Z",
            "id": "2c0afe7c-7743-4910-b3ee-31ae924a55f5",
            "created_date": "2023-04-10T08:12:00.615115"

Upgrade Subscription#


No Field DataType Length Required Description
1 subscription_code AN 20 C Code of the subscription or plan, later the merchant can query the subscription details to view/ update / cancel via the api
2 merchant_id AN 200 C GUID given by wowpay to merchant
3 customer_id AN C Customer profile id
4 description AN
5 charge_type A C Autodebit - The payment will be charged automatically by the system for each 'PaymentDate' from customers card which the customer saved his card for his first payment. Paymentlink - The payment will be charged through link sent to customer email
6 frequency_type A C Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly (optional because mnerchant define the recurring payments with payment date in the subscription payment list.)
7 subscription_period N O
8 total_amount N Total subscription amount, it should be equal to the sum of the SubscriptionPayments
9 currency A O optional, if merchant define this in the request,it should be same as txn_currency.
10 days_before_tocharge N O Its optional for the chargetype autodebit. Its mandatory for the paymentlink. Based on this the paymentlink will be sent out to the customers before the paymentdate.If this is value is available for autodebit, then the customer will be charged based on this . ex: if DaysBeforeToCharge is 1 day
11 subscription_status N O Cancelled - To cancel the subscription Upgraded - To upgrade the subscription Mandatory while using upgrade/cancel api
12 comments AN O Mandatory while using upgrade/cancel api
13 recurring_payments[] List of payment details for subsequent payment dues based on the frequencytype.
14 recurring_payments[0].payment_code A It should be unique for each payments in the list. It will be used as a reference to the customer in the paymentlink.
15 recurring_payments[0].amount N C
16 recurring_payments[0].payment_date Date C Predefined date for the next payment and its defined by the merchant.
17 recurring_payments[0].description AN Short description about the subscription. Ex: Second month due for this subscription.


    "responsecode": "success",
    "message": "subscription is upgraded sucessfully."

Cancel Subscription#


Field DataType Length Req Description
id AN Unique guid generated by wowpay for the subscription.It is mandatory while using upgrade/cancel api
merchant_id AN C Mandatory while using upgrade/cancel api
customer_id AN C Customer ProfileId
subscription_status A Cancelled - To cancel the subscription
Upgraded - To upgrade the subscription
comments A It is mandatory while using Upgrade/Cancel api.


        "responsecode": "success",
        "message": "subscription is cancelled sucessfully."

Note: Expected reponse codes are error and success.

    error   : The operation is considered as failed.
    success : The operation is considered as success


A signature (or simply hash), also called a message digest, is a number generated from a text string. The hash is substantially smaller than the text string itself and is generated by a formula or hash algorithm in such a way that it is extremely unlikely that some other texts will produce the same hash value. For online payment processing, hashing plays an important role to ensure the transmitted request and response messages have not been tampered with, in order to achieve data integrity. For transaction request, Merchant System is required to use SHA512 hash algorithm to generate a hash value from a combination of certain transaction fields, and then includes the value in signature field before sending the request to Wowpay which will then generate a signature value based on the same method and then verify these two hash values. If both signatures matched, Wowpay will further process the payment request or else it will discard the request message and will treat it as an invalid message.

Signature for Direct Api Integration#

Payment request’s signature should be generated based on the following fields

    Signature = ToUpperCase(txn_currency + txn_amount.Tostring("#0.00”)+ merchant_txnid)

Payment response’s signature should be generated based on the following fields

    Signature = ToUpperCase(txn_status + txn_amount.Tostring("#0.00”)+ merchant_txnid + txn_currency + approval_code)

Sample to generate signature

    public static string CreateSha512Hash(string rawData)  
        string hashkey = "";  
        var objSha512 = SHA512.Create();  
        byte[] bytValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawData);  
        byte[] bytHash = objSha512.ComputeHash(bytValue);  
        hashkey = BitConverter.ToString(bytHash).Replace("-", "");  

        return hashkey; 

Sample to generate random password

    public static string GenerateRandomPassword(string salt=null,int bytelen=32)
      return GetHashSha256($"#{salt}{DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMmYYyyHHmmss")}{new Random().Next(100,1000)}", bytelen);  

    public static string GetHashSha256(string text, int length)  
        byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);  

        SHA256Managed hashstring = new SHA256Managed();  

        byte[] hash = hashstring.ComputeHash(bytes);  

        string hashString = string.Empty;  

        foreach (byte x in hash)  
            hashString += string.Format("{0:x2}", x);  

        if (length > hashString.Length)  
            return hashString;  
            return hashString.Substring(0, length);  

Sample to encrypt / decrypt (using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto) random password

    public static string Encrypt(string info, string publicKey)  
        if (publicKey.IsValidString())  
            publicKey = publicKey.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n");  

            byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(info);  
            byte[] encBytes = RSAEncryption(bytes, ReadAsymmetricKeyParameterfromString(publicKey));  
            var result = Convert.ToBase64String(encBytes).Trim();  

            return result;  

        return null;  

    public static string Decrypt(string data, string privatekey)  
        string DecryptedPassword = string.Empty;  

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(privatekey))  

            if (Utility.IsUrlEncodedText(data))//if the text url encoded  
                data = WebUtility.UrlDecode(data);  

    //When we update the key from the keyfile to our db, we noticed the "\r\n" added  
    //but actually its "\n".  
            privatekey = privatekey.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n");  

            byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data);  

            byte[] decBytes = RSADecryption(bytes, AsymmetricCipherKeyPairParameterfromString(privatekey));  

            DecryptedPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decBytes).Trim();  

        return DecryptedPassword;  

Sample to encrypt / decrypt (using Org.BouncyCastle.Security) paymentRq & PaymentRs

public static string EncryptString(string info,string passwordPhase,string ivVector)  
{  string _result = "";  

        // Get UTF8 byte array of input string for encryption  
        // Again, get UTF8 byte array of key for use in encryption  
        byte[] keyBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordPhase);  

        // Initialize AES CTR (counter) mode cipher from the BouncyCastle cryptography library  
        IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CTR/NoPadding");  

        byte[] inputBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(info);  
        //true is for encryption  
        cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", keyBytes), ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ivVector)));  
        byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.DoFinal(inputBytes);  
        _result = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);  
    catch (Exception err)  
        //log here and take action  

    return _result;  

public static string DecryptString(string info, string passwordPhase, string ivVector)  
    string _result = "";  

        // Get UTF8 byte array of input string for encryption  

        // Again, get UTF8 byte array of key for use in encryption  
        byte[] keyBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordPhase);  

        // Initialize AES CTR (counter) mode cipher from the BouncyCastle cryptography library  
        IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CTR/NoPadding");   
        byte[] inputBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(info);  
        //true is for encryption  
        cipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", keyBytes), ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ivVector)));  
        byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.DoFinal(inputBytes);  
        _result = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(encryptedBytes);  
    catch (Exception err)  
    {    //log here and take action    }  
    return _result;   

Signature for Hosted Payment Integration#

Payment request’s signature should be generated based on the following fields:

Input String:
Payment response signature should be generated based on the following fields:

Input String:



Signature for Payment Actions#

Payment Action request’s signature should be generated based on the following fields:

To Uppercase (merchant_txnid+ txn_amount ("#0.00”) + request_type + APIPASSWORD)

Input String:

Payment Action response signature should be generated based on the following fields:

ToUppercase (merchant_txnid+ txn_amount ("#0.00”) + txn_status + APIPASSWORD)

Input String:

We advise to compare the signature string with either lower or upper case

Sample Hosted Payment Request

    <form name="PaymentReturn" method="POST" action='{HOSTED PAYMENT URL}' >
            <input type="hidden" name="AMOUNT" value="11.00"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="CURRENCY" value="MYR"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="MERCHANT_ID" value="914f825e-2b51-4318-b0a8-22c601b5979e"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="ORDERREF" value="PL220720173825485"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="FIRSTNAME" value="Demo"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="LASTNAME" value="Customer"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="EMAIL" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="MOBILENO" value="+60103103103"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="SIGNATURE"
            <input type="hidden" name="DESCRIPTION" value="Demo Order"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="RETURNURL" value="https://localhost:44396/simulator/confirm"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="NOTIFYURL" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="LANGUAGE" value="GB"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="ORDERSUMMARY" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="STATEMENTDESCRIPTION" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="ADDRESS" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="POSTALCODE" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="CITY" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="COUNTRY" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="ISRECURRINGPAYMENT" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="SUBSCRIPTIONDATA" value=""/>

Sample Hosted Payment Response

    <form name="PaymentReturn" method="POST" action='{MERCHANT RETURN URL}' >
            <input type="hidden" name="ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_URL" value=""/>
            <input type="hidden" name="ORDERREF" value="PL220720173825485"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="AMOUNT" value="11.00"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="CURRENCY" value="MYR"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="APPROVAL_CODE" value="115893"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_DESCRIPTION" value="Success (Paid)"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_REFERENCE1" value="3264188"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_REFERENCE2" value="3141268"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_REFERENCE3" value="SIM0000000130"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_STATUS" value="APPROVED"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_STATUSCODE" value="1"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_TYPE" value="Credit and debit cards"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_CHANNEL" value="Visa"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="MERCHANT_ID" value="914f825e-2b51-4318-b0a8-22c601b5979e"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="CARD_NUMBER" value="411111XXXXXX1111"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="SIGNATURE"
Sample Payment Action Request
        "merchant_txnid": "SIM0000000130",
        "txn_amount": 11.0,
        "request_type": "Refund",
Sample Payment Action Response

        "request_type": "Refund",
        "txn_status": "REFUNDFAIL",
        "txn_statuscode": "12",
        "txn_statusdesc": "REFUNDFAIL",
        "provider_desc": "Transaction status is not valid to perform your action.",
        "approval_code": "115893",
        "transaction_no": "3264188",
        "transaction_ref1": "3264188",
        "txn_amount": 11.00,
        "txn_currency": "MYR",
        "merchant_txnid": "SIM0000000130",
        "txn_entryId": "3cfcc9a6-7c91-415b-8fb9-389804e8f95f"
Sample Request for Inquiry
        "merchant_txnid": "SIM0000000130",
        "order_ref": null,
        "request_type": "Inquiry",
Sample Response for Inquiry
        "request_type": "Inquiry",
        "txn_status": "APPROVED",
        "txn_statuscode": "1",
        "provider_desc": "Approved",
        "approval_code": "115893",
        "transaction_no": "3264188",
        "txn_amount": 11.17,
        "txn_currency": "MYR",
        "merchant_txnid": "SIM0000000130",
        "txn_entryId": "3cfcc9a6-7c91-415b-8fb9-389804e8f95f",
        "masked_cardno": "411111XXXXXX1111"


Payment Option:

SandBox :

Production :

Hosted Payment:

SandBox :

Production :

Payment Actions:

SandBox :

Production :

Retrive Subscription:

SandBox :

Production :

Upgrade Subscription:

SandBox :

Production :

Cancel Subscription:

SandBox :

Production :

Curl Request Samples#

PaymentOptions :

    curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i '' 
    --data '{ 
        "merchant_code": "TESTMIDCODE",
        "username": "TESTMIDCODE",
        "password": "TESMIDCODE",
        "merchant_id": "f9a27d58-1172-4f7e-8da8-dacdf7662d56",
        "currency": "THB",
        "country": "ALL",
        "product_code": "ALL"

Payment Actions :

    curl -X POST -k -H 'BasicAuth: Q0FQVFVSRUpBQzAwMjMyMEMzQllLMU1SWlRNV0NDOUhCRUswVEdJM0JHMTZDMjFaS1paM1pVWFdWM0E9' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i '' 
    --data '{
        "merchant_txnid": "JAC002320",
        "order_ref": null,
        "txn_amount": 100.00,
        "request_type": "Capture",
        "signature": "C71255768ADD0531EFAD4329AD1DAFA14D06A8C4648EDB01B8869BA1EC62E4D95269888E059C42FEF7C444105C6C7E5972D4701BD0A72E9F01473B1197D441B2",
        "merchant_id": "b383441d-4e4c-4023-9463-f2d781b6d302"

Retrive Subscription :

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \   
    --data-raw '{
    "merchant_id": "e81932f2-71b7-4e78-96c8-f8cc42f2d6b7",
    "subscription_status": 0,
    "customer_id": "dfdf",
    "subscription_code": "gghgg",
    "duedate_from": "2023-04-10T10:47:08.1751526+05:30",
    "duedate_to": "2023-04-10T10:47:08.17526+05:30",
    "createddate_from": "2023-04-10T10:47:08.1753243+05:30",
    "createddate_to": "2023-04-10T10:47:08.1753786+05:30",
    "list_count": 50

Upgrade Subscription

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \    
    --data-raw ' 
        "subscription_code": "fgfgfgf",
        "subscription_status": 3,
        "merchant_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "customer_id": "CustomerId",
        "description": "Description",
        "charge_type": 0,
        "frequency_type": 0,
        "subscription_period": 0,
        "total_amount": 10.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "days_before_tocharge": 0,
        "recurring_payments": [{
                "payment_code": "12121",
                "amount": 10.0,
                "payment_date": "2023-04-09T22:55:53.4044012+05:30",
                "description": "Description",
        "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",

Cancel Subscription

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \    
    --data-raw '
	    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
	    "merchant_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
	    "subscription_status": 2,
	    "comments": ""


Product Code#

Product Code Product Name
HO Hotel Only
FO Flight Only
TO Tour Only
Test Test Product
ACT Activities
OTH Others

Transaction Status

Code Status
4 AUTHORIZED (* Merchant should call capture action)

Payment flow diagram#

Credit Card

alt text

Integration Guide

alt text

Credit card

alt text

Online Banking

alt text

Credit card (auth)

alt text